My Bowen Therapy

Anxiety and the PSOAS muscle

Our award-winning therapists are very aware of the effects the Psoas muscle has on the body when it is compromised and use a very a specific approach to release the muscle find Bowen Therapy very effective in assisting individuals.

Due to the location of the Psoas which is deep in the abdomen, this approach is not usually considered until the individual has received at least one previous session of Bowen Therapy, sometimes 2 or 3.

We find that working on the muscle too quickly when the surrounding muscles have not been addressed, limits the ability for the muscle to fully relax and release.

Many will present at the clinic seeking assistance for back or neck issues, not even contemplating that their anxiety symptoms could be linked until after the muscle has been released and they not feel both emotionally and physically better.


What is Anxiety?

A body’s natural response to stress that gives one a feeling of immense fear or nervousness is known as anxiety. This condition isn’t developed over a short span of time or due to a single triggering factor. A combination of a lot of stimulators like traumatic life experiences, genetic determinants, pregnancy, drugs, work stress, etc. can cause various degrees of anxiety. Some of the common side effects associated with anxiety can be sweating, headaches, an increase in pulse and breathing rate, etc.

About 165 million i.e 38 percent of the European population,5.3 percent of South Asians and 9.8 percent of Asian Americans suffer from anxiety and other mental disorders each year. The US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health has come up with a detailed article on the epidemiology of anxiety disorders in the 21st century.

What Are The Different Types of Anxieties?

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder- This is the most common type and can impact the daily routine of a person because it causes a lack of concentration, excessive tension, stress, chronic anxiety, constant fear without any cause, etc. It also has a few physical side effects like diarrhea, insomnia, fatigue, etc. GAD can cast up to over six months or more.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder- When a person becomes overly conscious during Social situations, they are known to have a social anxiety disorder. It is a phobia of public speaking, performance, meeting new people, being negatively judged by others, etc. The symptoms may include a racing heartbeat, sweaty hands, etc.
  • Panic Disorder- Panic disorders can occur due to severe stress, trauma, etc. It can be experienced all of a sudden and can last up to 20-30 minutes. It is quite closely related to anxiety that includes an overwhelming sense of fear, repeated panic attacks, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, sweating, dry mouth, etc.
  • Phobias- The extreme fear of facing specific situations or of specific objects is called phobia. Severe phobia leads people to avoid specific situations or objects. Phobias, can vary from that of height (acrophobia), enclosed spaces(claustrophobia),darkness(nyctophobia) to that of specific objects or animals(zoophobia) etc.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder- It is an extreme anxiety disorder that usually occurs due to stress or trauma or as an aftereffect of a tragic incident. Occurrences like accidents, physical and emotional assaults, etc. can result in PTSD. It results in people avoiding several situations. It also gives one a feeling of anxiety for a very long period of time i.e. for months or years etc.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- This disorder is associated with obsessing over and repeating various things that get very difficult to control or ignore. OCD might involve washing hands repeatedly, excessive cleaning, checking on things constantly, not being able to throw out things, etc. OCD clouds our brains with unwanted thoughts, a feeling of constant anxiety or stress.

The Key Side Effects Of Anxiety

  • Irritability and Sleeplessness
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Loss of libido
  • Depression and Headaches
  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue
  • Adrenal Dysfunction
  • Muscle aches
  • Sleep Apnea

The Predominant Triggers Of Anxiety

  • Genetical causes- It is quite likely for anxiety to run in one’s family i.e. inheriting the anxiety genes from close family members is quite possible. An article in the year 2002 has brought out the fact that traits of the chromosomes are linked to mental disorders like anxiety and phobias.
  • Drug Abuse- Alcoholics and people who abuse drugs generally have anxiety issues. It gets really problematic when addicts try to treat their own anxiety with drugs as it gives a short term relief due to the building up of receptors by the brain. However, it causes severe long term damage to the brain, therefore causing acute anxiety.
  • Medical Causes- The Prescribed medicines have serious side effects on the body that can result in anxiety. Drugs like corticosteroids(used to treat asthma, allergies, etc), medications to treat headaches (aspirin, ergotamine), ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) drugs can cause anxiety.
  • Stress- It is one of the greatest reasons for anxiety. Stress can lead to drug abuse which in turn leads to anxiety issues. Stress and anxiety is a bad combination that can cause other physical ailments like headaches, dry mouth,, diarrhea, sweating, etc.
  • Environmental Set- The proper setting of the environment is quite necessary for one to have a sound mindset and to stay away from anxiety. Factors like problematic relationships, financial problems, disturbance in work fields, etc can cause anxiety in an individual.

Anxiety and the Psoas Muscle

The psoas muscle (a muscle in the lower lumbar region of the spine that extends till the femur). Excessive tightness in the Psoas causes problems like pain in the lumbosacral region, Pain in the contralateral gluteal region, hip arthritis, a problem in an erect posture, etc.

When a person is undergoing a lot of stress and anxiety the sympathetic nervous system can cause the psoas muscle to tighten up.  A release in the diaphragm (i.e. a reactive emotional centre and tightening up of it can cause severe anxiety issues) brings up old emotions that were stored up in the tissues.

This musculoskeletal problem, in turn, can lead to other several problems like sciatica, sacroiliac pain, etc.

Side Effects Of a Psoas Muscle Disorder

  • Lumbar disc problems
  • Salpingitis
  • Femoral bursitis
  • Lower back spasms
  • Lordosis
  • Disc herniation
  • Hip arthritis
  • Groin and pelvic pain
  • Gluteal pain
  • Sciatica

 Key Causes Of a Psoas Muscle Disorder

  • People with a bad body posture or limited movement i.e the ones sit all day in a certain position is more likely to suffer from a psoas muscle disorder.
  • Suffering from a lot of physical and mental trauma or fear can also result in the tightening up of the psoas muscle and muscle spasms due to its close connection with the neurotransmitters of the body.
  • Psoas syndrome can occur in people who are involved in a lot of physical activities like athletics, dancing, swimming, etc. An injury anywhere near the lumbar region of the spine connected to the pelvis and femur region can cause this ailment.
  • Some Musculoskeletal issues like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory or degenerative arthritis, etc can cause psoas muscle disorder.

Concluding Thoughts on Anxiety and Psoas Muscle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a balance in diet can help one get rid of issues like anxiety and other problems like psoas muscle defect that tag along with it.

Immediate identification and being alert of problems arising from anxiety is a must because it can take a serious toll on one’s mental as well as physical health in the later stages.

Due to the side effects of commonly used medications for Anxiety, we would suggest trying natural treatments before considering medication.

Taking time out for oneself, exercising, getting adequate sleep, cutting out on addiction is very important to get rid of problems like anxiety and psoas muscle disorder.

Home Remedies and DIY Tips For Anxiety

  • Regular Cardio Exercises, swimming, jogging, yoga, meditation, etc. keep anxiety away.
  • Caffeine affects the adenosine receptors in our brain and stimulates the adrenal glands therefore cutting out caffeine helps get rid of anxiety.
  • Getting proper sleep and maintaining a routine helps with anxiety issues.
  • Some foods that are useful for anxiety are whole dark chocolate, yogurt, eggs, fatty fish, turmeric, leafy vegetables, etc. The supply of adequate vitamin D to the body is also needed for the release of a hormone called dopamine that reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Aromatherapy i.e. inhaling the soothing scent of plant oils like lavender is very useful for anxiety. Few herbal supplements like valerian root, licorice root, Rhodiola, chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower, etc are also helpful in curing anxiety and stress.