Ability of Bowen Therapy
So what is Bowen Therapy and why does it have the ability to work so fast?
Treating similar conditions to Physiotherapy and Chiropractor Bowen therapy is a hands-on therapy working on precise muscles, tendons ligaments, nerves, and fascia. The very gentle rolling action stimulates a neurological response, producing almost immediate changes in tissue tension to the targeted area. Bowen Therapy is nonmanipulative hands-on therapy working over very precise tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves, differing from other better know pain management therapies due to the speed it works, gentleness and minimal intervention. Bowen therapy is NOT a massage! Originating from Australia, Bowen Therapy is the ’new kid on the block’ having only been taught since the late 1980’s after Tom Bowen’s death, however, it is now hailed the most exciting modality in the world. There is a common misconception that our skeleton influences our alignment, and the only way to straighten the misalignment is by addressing the structural issues. This is not the case. Imagine your skeleton like a suspension bridge, say Penang bridge structure, and your muscles and soft tissue the suspension ropes. Everything is in harmony as long as the suspension ropes are held in perfect tension with each other.