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Physiotherapist assessing posture for knee pain relief in KL

Bowen Therapy FAQ Australian developed therapy taking a natural drug free approach to Kuala Lumpur. With over 1500 social media reviews from happy Malaysian clients. We are here to help you on your journey to fast, recovery.


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Bowen Therapy FAQ

Bowen Therapy Benefits

Bowen Therapy is suitable for all from newborn babies to the elderly and is even practiced widely on animals, particular horses, worldwide. The wide range of conditions that Bowen Therapy can assist with are phenomenal, regardless of how long or short you have been suffering from the ailment. Below you will find a list, which is not exhaustive, however it gives examples of conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy.

Is Bowen Therapy Right for You?

A typical Bowen Therapy treatment lasts between 40 – 60 minutes depending on the individual client and the condition that is present. Clients ideally lie on a massage table in order to achieve maximum benefit and relaxation, however, if required, a treatment can be performed seated in a chair.

What Is Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a gentle, non-manipulative hands on treatment, which involves very specific but gentle moves over the body’s fascia (soft connective tissue), muscles, tendons and ligaments. Between these moves there are short, but very essential pauses, which allow the fascia to respond. Disturbing the fascia, the moves trigger messages within the body’s Central Nervous System (CNS) and in effect reminds the body to address any imbalances in chemical composition, body misalignment or other issues that could be causing internal pain or ailments. Sounds impossible? Ask anyone who has enjoyed Bowen Therapy and they will tell you that it’s not, with many after only one treatment experiencing immediate reduction or relief from pain. Read More 

If Bowen Therapy works so phenomenally well, why don’t doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals recommend or prescribe the treatment to assist with conditions?

Although the technique, developed by Tom Bowen, has been around since the 1950’s it was only in 1986, after Tom’s death, that those who had observed him practice and his methods were permitted to teach the technique and pass on their knowledge. With this in mind the modality is still very much in its infancy and many have not heard of the technique.
This however is rapidly changing as more and more discover the wonderful world of Bowen and it is now one of the fastest growing modalities in the world. If you research the technique you will actually find that doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, athletes and many more are now discovering how beneficial it is to their line of work and are indeed training in the technique themselves.
We at My Bowen Therapy™ truly believe that in years to come you will hear people say that they have an appointment with their Bowen Therapist as frequently as you hear people say the same of Chiropractors and Physiotherapists.

What makes Bowen Therapy different compared to chiropractic, physical therapy, massage and other types of body work?

The Bowen Technique is in its own category due to its ability to build and compound on the previous session/s. The rapid effectiveness, very low cost and its ability to bring permanent relief in very few treatments stands the therapy out from others that people generally associate with pain management.

How do I know my Therapist is qualified to practice the Bowen Technique?

Your therapist will have their qualifications on display in the centre. If you have any questions regarding your therapist’s credentials, please ask and they will be more than happy to assist.

What happens after a treatment?

Your therapist may advice you not to have any other form of physical therapy to other forms of manipulation such as massage, chiropractor, physiotherapy etc. for 5-7 days after your treatment while your body adjusts to the treatment. After your treatment you will be give advice on how to get the maximum effect and benefits from your session.

How soon should I feel some relieve from my condition?

Instant relief is very common however it all depends on the condition you present with. In most cases some level of relief is felt during or within a few hours of the session. The majority of clients however find that as their body’s soft tissue is in such a deep state of relaxation that they feel the need to sleep earlier than usual that evening, and indeed have reported “the best nights sleep they have experienced for a long time”. When they wake in the morning the condition has often vastly improved.

How safe is Bowen Therapy?

The Bowen technique is safe for everyone, from newborns to the elderly, it also safe for any neuromuscular or musculoskeletal issue. Whatever your age or health issue, give Bowen therapy a chance to show you what your own body has the amazing ability to do.

What should I wear for a treatment?

Wear light clothing that allows your practitioner to locate the relevant muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue freely. Please refrain from wearing Denim or other thick materials. You may bring along gym attire or comfortable loose clothing to change into prior to your treatment if desired.

How many sessions will I need?

Every body is different and therefore results will vary. Many experience instant relief after just one session however results vary depending on the presenting condition. As the technique displays fast results, as a rule of thumb unlike other therapies and treatments, a Bowen Therapist will never tell you that you need weekly visits for ongoing long periods. Typically the majority of clients require ONLY 4 sessions to vastly improve or even eliminate the symptoms they presented with. Chronic or long-standing conditions or repeated injuries however may require additional treatments as and when the client feels the need for a “top up”.

How long does a Bowen Therapy treatment take?

Sessions last 30mins depending on the presenting condition.

How much does it cost?

RM100 Junior Pain Relief Therapist. (Junior Therapist holds a degree in Physiotherapy and is specializing in Bowen Therapy)
RM150 Pain Relief Therapist
RM200 Senior Pain Relief Therapist


Bowen Therapy Benefits

Bowen Therapy is suitable for all from newborn babies to the elderly and is even practiced widely on animals, particular horses, worldwide. The wide range of conditions that Bowen Therapy can assist with are phenomenal, regardless of how long or short you have been suffering from the ailment. Below you will find a list, which is not exhaustive, however it gives examples of conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy.

Is Bowen Therapy Right for You?
A typical Bowen Therapy treatment lasts between 40 – 60 minutes depending on the individual client and the condition that is present. Clients ideally lie on a massage table in order to achieve maximum benefit and relaxation, however, if required, a treatment can be performed seated in a chair.

What Is Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a gentle, non-manipulative hands on treatment, which involves very specific but gentle moves over the body’s fascia (soft connective tissue), muscles, tendons and ligaments. Between these moves there are short, but very essential pauses, which allow the fascia to respond. Disturbing the fascia, the moves trigger messages within the body’s Central Nervous System (CNS) and in effect reminds the body to address any imbalances in chemical composition, body misalignment or other issues that could be causing internal pain or ailments. Sounds impossible? Ask anyone who has enjoyed Bowen Therapy and they will tell you that it’s not, with many after only one treatment experiencing immediate reduction or relief from pain. Read More

If Bowen Therapy works so phenomenally well, why don’t doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals recommend or prescribe the treatment to assist with conditions?
Although the technique, developed by Tom Bowen, has been around since the 1950’s it was only in 1986, after Tom’s death, that those who had observed him practice and his methods were permitted to teach the technique and pass on their knowledge. With this in mind the modality is still very much in its infancy and many have not heard of the technique.
This however is rapidly changing as more and more discover the wonderful world of Bowen and it is now one of the fastest growing modalities in the world. If you research the technique you will actually find that doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, athletes and many more are now discovering how beneficial it is to their line of work and are indeed training in the technique themselves.
We at My Bowen Therapy™ truly believe that in years to come you will hear people say that they have an appointment with their Bowen Therapist as frequently as you hear people say the same of Chiropractors and Physiotherapists.

What makes Bowen Therapy different compared to chiropractic, physical therapy, massage and other types of body work?
The Bowen Technique is in its own category due to its ability to build and compound on the previous session/s. The rapid effectiveness, very low cost and its ability to bring permanent relief in very few treatments stands the therapy out from others that people generally associate with pain management.

How do I know my Therapist is qualified to practice the Bowen Technique?
Your therapist will have their qualifications on display in the centre. If you have any questions regarding your therapist’s credentials, please ask and they will be more than happy to assist.

What happens after a treatment?
Your therapist may advice you not to have any other form of physical therapy to other forms of manipulation such as massage, chiropractor, physiotherapy etc. for 5-7 days after your treatment while your body adjusts to the treatment. After your treatment you will be give advice on how to get the maximum effect and benefits from your session.

How soon should I feel some relieve from my condition?
Instant relief is very common however it all depends on the condition you present with. In most cases some level of relief is felt during or within a few hours of the session. The majority of clients however find that as their body’s soft tissue is in such a deep state of relaxation that they feel the need to sleep earlier than usual that evening, and indeed have reported “the best nights sleep they have experienced for a long time”. When they wake in the morning the condition has often vastly improved.

How safe is Bowen Therapy?
The Bowen technique is safe for everyone, from newborns to the elderly, it also safe for any neuromuscular or musculoskeletal issue. Whatever your age or health issue, give Bowen therapy a chance to show you what your own body has the amazing ability to do.

What should I wear for a treatment?
Wear light clothing that allows your practitioner to locate the relevant muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue freely. Please refrain from wearing Denim or other thick materials. You may bring along gym attire or comfortable loose clothing to change into prior to your treatment if desired.

How many sessions will I need?
Every body is different and therefore results will vary. Many experience instant relief after just one session however results vary depending on the presenting condition. As the technique displays fast results, as a rule of thumb unlike other therapies and treatments, a Bowen Therapist will never tell you that you need weekly visits for ongoing long periods. Typically the majority of clients require ONLY 4 sessions to vastly improve or even eliminate the symptoms they presented with. Chronic or long-standing conditions or repeated injuries however may require additional treatments as and when the client feels the need for a “top up”.

How long does a Bowen Therapy treatment take?
Sessions last 30mins depending on the presenting condition.

How much does it cost?
Therapist from RM130 based on pack package of 5 treatments at RM650 
Senior Therapist from RM175 based on pack package of 3 treatments at RM714 (Therapists holds a degree in Physiotherapy and is specializing in Bowen Therapy)

Our Reviews

Reviews & Recommendations Ratings (Out of 5)


Internationally and Nationally Recognised.

BFM 89.9 radio KL featuring My Bowen Therapy knee pain treatment
2016 Superbrands Malaysia's Choice for knee pain treatment in KL
2018 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
2019 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
2020 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
Featured in Urban Health magazine for knee pain treatment KL
Featured in Run Society magazine for knee pain remedy KL
FHT Award 2016 best knee pain therapist & treatment KL
Featured in TV3 for knee pain treatment KL
BFM 89.9 radio KL featuring My Bowen Therapy knee pain treatment
2016 Superbrands Malaysia's Choice for knee pain treatment in KL
2018 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
2019 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
2020 Natural Health Readers' Choice Award for knee pain treatment in KL
Featured in TV3 for knee pain treatment KL
FHT Award 2016 best knee pain therapist & treatment KL
Featured in Run Society magazine for knee pain remedy KL
Featured in Urban Health magazine for knee pain treatment KL

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4.8 star rating by patients suffering from heel pain, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain on our Google & Facebook pages
4.8 star rating by patients suffering from heel pain, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain on our internal review system

4.8 star rating by patients suffering from heel pain, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain on our Google & Facebook pages
4.8 star rating by patients suffering from heel pain, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain on our internal review system
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