The kind of sleep disorder in which people have trouble falling asleep is known as insomnia. Sleeplessness is usually a side effect of stress, depression, anxiety, mental trauma, etc. Lack of sleep and associated fatigue could drastically impact the quality of life and trigger serious problems such as cardiovascular health, degrees of the thyroid, chronic pain, type-2 diabetes, seizures, obesity, and even certain cancers.
According to researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, roughly more than ten percent of the European population is affected by insomnia each year. Roughly 25 percent of Americans suffer from insomnia. In a few Asian countries like Japan, the insomniac population is about 15 percent and in Singapore, it is about 17 percent.
Clearly this is a global lifestyle problem and needs our immediate attention.
The Key Types and Features of Insomnia?
Acute insomnia- Also known as adjustment insomnia, this variation is quite common and is usually short-term sleeplessness that can last from a few days to a few weeks. It is usually caused due to stressful events or during menopause primarily triggered due to estrogen deficiency. Fluctuations in other hormones like testosterone, cortisol, progesterone, etc. can also cause such insomnia too.
Chronic insomnia- It is a chronic pattern of difficulty in sleeping. If a person faces difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep for at least three nights at a stretch for three months or longer, it can be deemed as chronic insomnia. It is usually because of a deficiency in a hormone called melatonin which is released during darkness and helps in inducing sleep. Some of the major causes of chronic insomnia are grief, anger, trauma, depression, etc.
Comorbid insomnia- Certain medical or psychiatric conditions like anxiety, depression, tension, bipolar disorder, etc are known to cause changes in patterns of sleep. These conditions, in turn, can cause sleeplessness known as comorbid insomnia.
Onset insomnia- If a person faces difficulty in falling asleep around the usual time of the normal sleep cycle it is called onset insomnia. This can vary between being a short term or a long-term problem.
Maintenance insomnia- More commonly found in women, maintenance insomnia is the inability to stay asleep during the normal sleeping hours. People showcasing this problem wake up too early or even in the middle of the night and tend to have a very disturbed sleep cycle.
Health Concerns Associated with Prolonged Insomnia
Daytime tiredness/fatigue.
Asthma attacks.
Increased risk of strokes.
Restlessness and loss of focus/attention.
Diabetes mellitus.
Anxiety, depression, impulsiveness, aggression, and traits of bipolar disorder.
Partial loss of memory.
Hormonal disbalances.
Decreased libido.
Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance.
The Critical Causes and Triggers for Insomnia
Insomnia is not always the root cause of problems. More than often, the onset of insomnia is due to other health issues.
Various Medical conditions- Several medical conditions such as sinus, asthma, chronic joint pains/Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, bipolar disorder, issues, thyroid, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc can cause difficulty in sleeping or restlessness in a person.
Anxiety and Depression- Psychological and emotional disturbances such as nervousness, anxiety, and depression are the ones that keep a person from falling asleep. Unnecessary tensions also cause sleeplessness in a person. Mood swings and hormonal disbalances are the common links between depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness.
Lifestyle and Food Habits- Unhealthy lifestyles and food habits can also lead to insomnia. Night shift jobs, jet lag, improper timings of sleep, etc can cause a person to become insomniac. Other causes of sleeplessness are alcohol, brain stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, etc.
Prescribed Drugs- Various drugs that are doctor-prescribed such as antidepressants, statins(used to treat cholesterol), cholinesterase inhibitors(used to treat memory loss), corticosteroids (used to treat inflammation, lupus, gout), alpha-blockers (used to treat Raynaud’s disease, hypertension), beta-blockers(used to treat hypertension) have side effects on the body and can cause insomnia in the long term process of using them.
Hormonal Disbalances- The disturbance in hormonal balances in the body can also cause Insomnia, specifical estrogen during menstruation or pregnancy. The imbalance in hormones can cause irritability, restlessness, etc which in turn could cause the patients sleepless nights!
List of DIY Cures For Insomnia
There are prevalent prescribed drugs for insomnia such as sleeping-pills and Antidepressants. However, most of them come with a lot of side effects like change in appetite, dizziness, headache, nervous problems, constipation, etc. Other dire after-effects of prolonged usage could include bleeding gastrointestinal tracts, ulcers or even cancers.
However, there are some natural alternatives that can possibly improve cases of insomnia. Let’s take a quick look –
Meditation and Chanting of Mantras- It helps to keep the brain relaxed, enhances oxygen supply to the brain, therefore, reducing stress and anxiety resulting in good sleep.
Yoga and Physical exercise- Yoga and other physical exercises such as cardio, stretching, swimming, jogging, cycling for at least 30- 45 minutes everyday triggers an increase in body temperature, increases the blood flow and promotes a sensation of sleep.
Some chiropractic massages- Stretching helps to get rid of anxiety and relieve tension around the muscles. Massage therapy is a common technique that chiropractors use to help relieve stress. Regular massages for sleeplessness releases endorphin and serotonin which helps in reviving one’s normal sleep pattern.
Cutting out on stimulants- Stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and other mind alternating substances like alcohol, marijuana needs to be cut out completely to get rid of insomnia.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle- Maintaining a proper bedtime routine helps in controlling insomnia. We also have to get enough exposure to sunlight, avoid large meals in the evenings, taking warm baths before going to sleep, eat at least an hour prior to sleeping, etc.
Foods That Fight Insomnia- Walnuts, milk, basil, bananas, cherry juice, peppermint, and chamomile tea helps in fighting insomnia. Magnesium based foods like seafood, legumes; foods that include vitamin B6 like potatoes, fish, etc also helps in getting rid of insomnia.
Adrenal Fatigue – A Lesser Known Cause of Insomnia
Nonspecific symptoms like body aches, fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, and digestive problems, are collectively known as adrenal fatigue. Glands in our bodies produce a lot of hormones like Cortisol, adrenaline, etc, that are essential to life. If these glands malfunction, this, in turn, could trigger adrenal fatigue. Heightened levels of stress can lead to lowered levels of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and imbalanced cortisol production, which can lead to adrenal fatigue and acute cases of insomnia etc.
The overproduction of hormones as a response to external problems such as long-term stress, anxiety, etc can cause the adrenal glands to be overworked. The underproduction of adrenaline in this process can in turn cause Addison’s disease, adrenal tumors, hypoaldosteronism leading to an imbalance in sodium and potassium levels in the body, etc.
Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Tiredness/Muscle weakness
Gastrointestinal disorders
Appetite loss and Weight loss
Trouble sleeping or getting up
Low blood pressure
Craving salt and sugar
The Key Causes Of Adrenal Fatigue
Malnutrition (lack of essential nutrients and vitamins like B5, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, etc in the body)
Caffeine addiction, alcohol or drug dependence.
Increased mental, physical or emotional stress and depression
Intake of a lot of junk food/excessive sugar intake
Autoimmune disease (causes the immune system to malfunction)
Cysts or tumors in pituitary gland/Trauma to the base of the skull
Fungal Infections
Adrenal Glands located on top of the kidneys
Cure For Adrenal Fatigue
Proper Diet and Essential minerals- Foods that are rich in protein, Vitamin C, B5, B6, B12, Magnesium, are recommended for adrenal fatigue. A balanced diet along with less sugar consumption or HFCS, intake of whole grains, leafy vegetables, and fruits, cutting out on junk food, caffeine, and addictive substances is recommended to get rid of adrenal fatigue.
Herbal Supplements- Many experts from the natural nutrition fraternity suggest the intake of Siberian Ginseng, Golden Root, Licorice Root, Maca Root, Ashwagandha, etc.
Reduction of Stress- Exercising, meditating, getting chiropractic massages and stretching can help in reducing stress levels, therefore, improving adrenal fatigue in an individual.
Better Sleep Habits- A good night’s sleep and adequate rest are required to keep adrenal fatigue away. Going to bed early and rising early is a great habit and helps better the production of hormones. Therefore eliminating problems like adrenal fatigue.
Some Concluding thoughts on Insomnia and Adrenal Fatigue
Leading a disciplined lifestyle consisting of a properly balanced diet, going to bed in time, regular exercising and cutting out on addictions can help a person fight through insomnia and adrenal fatigue. Issues associated with insomnia and adrenal fatigue need early-stage identification because they could potentially trigger bigger health issues if not treated early on.
Incorporating period body maintenance work, such as Bowen Therapy into your wellness routine has also shown to assist in reducing symptoms associated with Adrenal Fatigue.