My Bowen Therapy

Common Causes and Treatments for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of conditions. One of the most common causes of knee pain is osteoarthritis, which is a type of degenerative arthritis that primarily targets the knee and other parts of the body. This condition causes pain and stiffness in the knee because the cartilage between the knee joint starts to break down, leading to bone-to-bone contact and dysfunctional movement.

Knee Pain Treatment In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Another common cause of knee pain is ligament injuries. The stability of the knee depends on its ligaments and sports injuries or a simple fall can cause strain or tear to these ligaments. Tendonitis is another factor that causes knee pain, it happens when the tendons of the knees are inflamed due to overdoing running and jumping, along with improper knee alignment.

Other possible causes of knee pain include meniscal tears, bursitis, and patellofemoral syndrome. Meniscal tear is a condition in which the cartilage within the knee joint is torn, resulting in instability and pain in the knee joint. Bursitis occurs when the small fluid-filled sac in the knee joint becomes inflamed. Patellofemoral syndrome causes pain and discomfort in the knee because the kneecap does not align properly within its joint.

The treatment for knee pain depends on the underlying cause.

In many cases, rest and over-the-counter medications can ease it. However, some cases require in-depth treatment like therapy. It is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing consistent or severe knee pain. Early treatment should be prioritized since this will prevent worsening your knee pain.

Prevention of knee pain involves utilizing proper technique when doing exercises or participating in sports. This will develop good muscle strength and flexibility. It is also important to wear proper shoes that give proper foot support and take proper rest between workouts to avoid overuse injuries.

At My Bowen Therapy, we treat a lot of knee pain cases monthly. Book A Free No-Obligation Consultation Today with one of our Pain Relief Specialists.