Neck and Shoulder Pain

A Personal Message from Lorna Mair

It is becoming increasingly worrying the number of people we are seeing in the clinic looking for assistance with neck and shoulder pain mostly caused by the overuse of technology.  Shockingly I have treated children as young as 10 presenting with neck restriction, and have also seen a 26-year-old present with numbness and tingles in both hands (neuropathy) due to pressure tightened muscles are placing on the nerves with innervate the hands. Tech Neck or Text Neck as some call it is something each and every one of us should be aware of in this rapidly changing world and during treatments I try to educate individuals that sitting all day looking down at a screen IS NOT HARMLESS! What catches many of us out is that we have been told that aches and pains are ‘normal’, this is not true.  Fasia , being the most pain-sensitive tissue in the body is responsible for most of our aches and pains, and at any age should be seen as a warning that our soft tissue is not in tip-top condition. Addressing these warning signs by seeking therapeutic assistance and/or introducing lifestyle changes is paramount in ensuring symptoms do not manifest into more problematic conditions.

Lorna J Mair Dip. BT MFHT


Using Bowen therapy for such issues seems to produce more immediate relief than other therapies such as chiropractic or physiotherapy, as the therapy reduces the pressure around the area as it relaxes the surrounding soft tissue. Treatment for neck and shoulder pain using the Bowen Technique will differ than other therapies you may have tried, both due to the gentle pain-free technique, and the speed in which we practitioners expect to see results. If there were no changes within 3 sessions, practitioners worldwide would suggest further investigation, as they would be pretty confident that your condition was not just soft tissue related. Recent studies show that 80% of our aches and pains are related to soft tissue tension and/or damage, and this would co-inside with the results I see in the clinic, although in my opinion, I would rate that percentage higher. The actual procedures used to assist with your condition vary on your symptoms and medical history. In every session, my initial assessment focuses on the full alignment of the body and with additional work in any areas that need further encouragement. I feedback to every individual my findings and any additional work that needs to be done to improve their condition. As I tell everyone it is very much a “we process”, and ask that they note all changes between sessions, as that information assists me in even further in helping with the condition. I can see what I see, and I can feel what I feel with my fingers, however, I can never feel what’s going on inside one’s body. As an Accredited, Certified Bowen Practitioner, I see the body as a whole and am not only concerned with the area of pain. On making an appointment, you will be sent an electronic form to complete which will give me useful information as to the original cause of your condition. Falls, accidents, even from decades ago or all relevant especially if it involved a fall to your bottom, such as slipping on a wet floor, ice, skiing, roller blading , skating injury etc. Often dehydration and underlying emotional issues can also be contributing to the cause of chronic pain, so during your consultation, I may also ask a few other questions, such as water intake and stress levels, sleeping patterns, lifestyle etc. This information also allows me to better choose from the vast number of Bowen Procedures to use and which specific areas of the body to target. Depending on the severity of your symptoms I may also prescribe those I feel may be deficient, transdermal application of Magnesium Oil, to specific parts of the body. I tend to leave this until at least the second session, however, as I like to observe how the body has responded to treatments from receiving Bowen alone. On occasion, I suggest the use of Bowtech Ease® (only available through your Bowen Therapist), which many now call my “Magic Potion”!  Applied onto the skin at the area of pain, I find if provides fast acting, totally natural, pain relief for many, allowing them to be as comfortable as possible as they continue to heal.”

Lorna J Mair Dip.BT MFHT