Vertigo is a medical condition that affects a lot of people worldwide. Various degrees of vertigo is known to affect more than 90 million Americans every year and has been reported to be the most common complaint in patients 75 years of age or older.

It makes a person feel dizzy, with a sensation that things around them are in motion when they are actually still. Vertigo could lead to other related side effects like headaches, jerking eye movements, etc. Acute onset of vertigo can usually last up to 24 to 48 hours. However, in some cases, this can last for several days.

Some of the Key Symptoms Associated with Vertigo:

  • Balance disorder
  • Motion sickness
  • Light-headedness
  • Sweating
  • Ringing in ears
  • Double or blurred vision etc.

Some additional side-effects might include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fainting
  • Facial paralysis etc.

The Key Types of Vertigo

Medically, there are two categories of vertigo. Peripheral vertigo and Central Vertigo. Both occur as a result of anomalies in different areas around the ears and the brain. Let’s take a detailed look:

  • Peripheral vertigo occurs as a result of an infection and inflammation in the inner ear or the vestibular nerve which connects the inner ear with the brain.
  • Central vertigo occurs as a result of anomalies arising in the cerebellum which affects the coordination of movements and balance in a human being.

Some of the Main Causes of Vertigo

  • Inner ear infections such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused by calcium deposition in the inner canal or cholesteatoma erosion or a cyst in the inner ear can cause vertigo.
  • Vestibular Neuritis caused by inflammation of the nerves near the inner ear that helps the body sense balance is another cause of vertigo.
  • Meniere’s disease is caused due to the buildup of fluid in the inner ear resulting in dizziness along with a ringing sensation in the ears. This could lead to acute sensations of vertigo. It can also result in a loss of hearing.
  • Brain injuries or migraines can also cause vertigo in certain cases
  • There are structures in the ear, called otolith organs containing small crystals. If the crystals break it can result in them moving in the semicircular canals, irritating the hair cells in the ear canals and making them sensitive to head position changes. This sometimes leads to vertigo.
  • Some other causes of vertigo can be perilymphatic fistula which is an abnormal communication between the middle ear and the inner ear.
  • Otosclerosis or abnormal bone growth in the middle ear can also result in vertigo.

Standard Prescription Drugs and Antidepressants

Migraine-related and acute vertigo can be typically treated with medications like Eletriptan, zolmitriptan, Dimenhydrinate, and meclizine, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, etc. But it is best to stay away from chemical drugs because they prove to be very harmful to health in the long run.

One major problem with opioids and other analgesics are that they can become addictive. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2012, around 2.1 million people in the US had become addicted to prescription opioids.

A 2014 survey of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that 48% of the entire U.S population uses at least one prescription drug every 30 days. It is almost 5% more than in the years 1999-2000.


Few Risks Related To The Use Of NSAIDs and Antidepressants In The Long-run

  • Insomnia
  • Skin rashes
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Weight gain
  • Fertility issues
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal complications
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Asthma symptoms
  • Blood clots/Increased risk of heart attacks/stroke

Bodywork treatments like Bowen Therapy are quite useful for people with musculoskeletal as well as vertigo issues. With just the right amount of pressure at the right points, Bowen therapy treatments provide mental relief besides physical relief. This treatment has proved to be quite effective in reducing symptoms, pain, improving mobility, reducing stress, and improving energy, well-being and sleep;


Safe and Non-Invasive Bowen Therapy Care

  • Soft Tissue therapy helps cure vertigo and restore the proper functioning of muscles through, the restoration of blood flow to the body. Bowen Therapy treatment targets areas that are frozen or paralysed. Poor neck posture, neck disorders, or trauma to the cervical spine can cause a condition called cervicogenic vertigo which can be significantly reduced through Bowen Therapy.
  • A form of Vertigo triggered through the dropping of blood pressure within the first five minutes of standing (orthostatic hypotension) may be reduced by regular cardiovascular and strengthening exercises.
  • Vertigo caused due to movement of the head or neck typically responds well to specialised soft tissue work.
  • Specific movements such as lying down in bed or rolling over causes a sensation of vertigo known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It responds quite well to a procedure known as the “Canalith repositioning” or as best termed by health care workers as “Epley maneuver”. 


Among other treatments for vertigo, the doctors might prescribe a low sodium diet and a diuretic to decrease fluid pressure in the inner ear. Therapists also advise a well-balanced diet for the patients. Substances that stimulate or depress the nervous system like alcohol, caffeine, tobacco are mainly also advised to be reduced.

The Onset of Acute Musculoskeletal Disorder

Musculoskeletal disorders are injuries or conditions that prevent the human body to move freely. Its chances of occurrence usually increase with age, inactivity and it is also known as the repetitive stress injury. These forms of condition affect the muscles, bones, joints and associated tissues like tendons and ligaments. Musculoskeletal disorders can be very diverse ranging from abrupt conditions such as osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, fractures and sprains in femurs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, etc, to long term injuries resulting in serious problems like disability or paralysis.

Some Medical Conditions Caused due to Musculoskeletal Disorder

  • Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis
  • Gout
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Osteoporosis/Osteopenia
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Degenerative/Ruptured Disc etc.
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle and Ligament Strain
  • Tension Neck Syndrome
  • Thoracic Outlet Compression
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Radial Tunnel Syndrome
  • Digital Neuritis
  • Trigger Finger / Thumb
  • DeQuervain’s Syndrome
  • Mechanical Back Syndrome

Some of the Main Causes Of Musculoskeletal Issues

  • Age is a great factor that brings about changes in the body. With age, the body becomes more fragile and the bones become susceptible to damages, therefore, resulting in musculoskeletal problems in the body.
  • Daily activities and lifestyle of a human affect the skeletal system to a great extent. If someone’s occupation requires sitting in the same position for long hours or engaging in repetitive motions, lifting heavy weights, maintaining poor posture at work, etc musculoskeletal defects are bound to happen.
  • Having a bad lifestyle such as drinking, smoking, being overweight or in bad shape is another cause for such physical issues.
  • Intake of poor nutrition and dehydration can also lead to skeletal issues. The bones become weaker and more porous as a result of lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the diet.
  • Musculoskeletal problems are also known to be hereditary.

Is Bowen Therapy Treatment for Musculoskeletal Defects Effective?

Conventional medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and sleep-inducing medicines like Zolpidem, Eszopiclone, Ramelton, etc. might be suppressing the pain. Prolonged use can cause severe damage to the body on the other hand.  Damages such as addiction, chronic gastrointestinal issues, ulcers, etc, are few of the known side-effects.

Bowen Therapy is a popular choice among people seeking non-invasive treatment for back pain relief. Especially for relief from common musculoskeletal ailments such as back pain, frozen shoulder, whiplash injuries, neck pain, or sciatica.  The task of the therapist is to realign and balance the body’s musculoskeletal system by targeting muscles stuck in spasm encouraging proper alignment of the neck, spine or pelvis. Bowen Therapists basically break down their sessions to allow the body to correct at it’s own pace. Sessions with our award-winning therapists care includes them spending several time to locate the dysfunctional parts of the musculoskeletal system, adopting a “less is best” approach. This type of care is becoming a common choice with patients suffering from both acute and chronic physical conditions.


How is Bowen Therapy useful For Both Vertigo and Musculoskeletal Defects?

Created by Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916–1982) in Australia, Bowen therapy is also called Bowenwork or Bowtech. This therapy involves a very specific rolling action over variuos segments of the body such as the spine , back, neck, etc. Different short rolling moves -from the head to toe, applied at different pressures, speeds and directions on specific “problem areas” and is quite useful for musculoskeletal defects and vertigo.

It is beneficial in offering relief from pain due to musculoskeletal defects. It includes stretching the soft connective tissues or “fascia” of the entire body thereby enhancing the flexibility of the body. It takes approximately up to ten days for some notable improvement with the majority requiring around 4 sessions.

The Bowen technique is a revolutionary and dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy. It has been shown to be useful in treating vertigo as it helps in treating mechanical ear imbalances. It also improves the autonomic nervous system and is therefore quite useful in treating neurological problems such as anxiety.

It heals injuries from acute sports and chronic or organic conditions like arthritis. Bowen therapy has several such wonderful health benefits which are one key reason driving its trending popularity.


This is not medical advice; this article was created for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not delay seeking medical advice or disregard it due to any content on this website or included in this post.



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